Posted in DomesticAbuse

Working on me

Obviously the meme is a joke but I do really need to get myself back in the gym! Realistically it will probably be new year now but I am going to focus on making small changes until then.

When I go through all that stress I barely eat then when I feel relatively content again I eat! Not eating I feel slim then I bloat and yes typical the night before a night out I feel FAT!

I have recently be receiving an insane amount of compliments regarding my physical appearance. ‘Gorgeous’ ‘stunning’ ‘amazing.’ It does feel very nice and it feels even better coming from people who are not fake, not a fraud and do not want anything from me. I should use this as more reason to focus on getting myself in the best possible shape. Be the best version of me that is possible.

Exercise! What’s that? I used to be such a keen gym goer and I was in great shape. I need that back!

My baby has suffered again with a perforated ear drum. Her nursery called me at 1:30pm today and I had no choice but to leave work. It’s hard for a working mother to juggle everything but luckily my work are very understanding. Poor little soul, apparently she was screaming like mad. When I picked her up she was in great spirits but that’s what happens. Once its burst then they feel better. She is so beautiful, I am so blessed to have her.

Today my ex was meant to produce a statement to my solicitors in response to mine. The fact they haven’t called me does not necessarily mean he hasn’t done it. Legal aid is great but it isn’t the best at the same time. I’m having issues with proving I qualify for legal aid due to my mortgage and the more I think about the more I think they were completely in the wrong for even showing me that letter from the interfering loser. It was very insensitive and considering my state of mind after 22 months of abuse it wasn’t exactly helpful. That being said, it was helpful as without knowing that I would have eventually allowed contact between my daughter and the monster. In a contact centre though of course.

My eldest daughter is having 1-2-1 work with an agency who help children that have witnessed domestic violence. Both to her and our social worker she has said that she is happy she is not seeing my ex anymore. She expressed her concerns that she is worried he will hurt her mummy again and she is finally opening up about things she has witnessed. So proud of her, yet I am ashamed I allowed it to happen for so long. If my ex’s ‘fans’ choose to believe I’m a liar and ‘making it up’ then believe a 9 year old. Why would she lie?

I have chips in the oven and then I really must eat better!

Posted in DomesticAbuse, Mistakes, mother, relationship, relationships, sex, single mum, singlemum, Singlemum, Strength

She set her boundaries and rebuilt her life

A week on Monday I am presenting my presentation on boundaries to a group of fellow networkers. I’ve distanced myself from reading all about narcissism and abuse for a few days. It got too much, and I felt I was reliving too much of the abuse. He’s an abusive man there are no two ways about it I didn’t need to keep finding proof of that.

I’ve been in a better place recently. Like mentioned before realising more and more how a person should be treated by a sexual partner or even a close friend. It’s mad how much I put up with and how much I justified and considered normal.

I’ve been preparing my presentation and the more I am away and out of the abuse I can literally tick the majority of any lists that are about abuse available. Like the Stuff that is considered as emotional abuse and not just awful vile name calling.

• living in your home, and not contributing to the bills (boy yes. Always promised money but withheld it when I did something wrong)

• damaging your property – punching walls/smashing phones (3 holes in my wall and 3 phones)

• serial cheating and then blaming you for doing so (ALWAYS)

• threatening to cheat when sex is denied (he would tell me ‘you think I need your dead sex anyway’)

• cheating to prove that they are more desired than you are & telling you you will never find better (I can picture him now touching his face , saying how handsome he was and how I was old and ‘past it’)

• attempting to control what you wear – YES I have a voice recording of evidence of this

• Sexual coercion !!

~ making you feel like you owe them

~ continue to pressure you after you say no

~ playing on the fact you’re in a relationship – ‘if I don’t get sex from you I’ll get it elsewhere’ and his favourite ‘what a joke, can’t even get sex from my own woman’ oh and ‘you just can’t keep up with me’

~ trying to normalise their sexual expectations ‘I need it, I’m a man’

~ reacting negatively with sadness, anger or resentment if you say no or don’t immediately agree

This was all taken from an American domestic violence website. There were obviously many more abusive traits I just kept ticking off in my head. An abusive man to the very core, and for so so long I didn’t see it! I remember feeling mad with my old health visitor ‘he’s controlling’, she told me! I got my back up, convinced myself he wasn’t as I was allowed to go about my business. But the truth is ALL these things are about control, controlling the way I feel about myself, respect myself, things I do! I could go on, but I have a lot in this blog already.

I’m so excited about my presentation and I have booked in 5 more slots for next year around the East Midlands area. I will talk about these personal boundaries and then also the boundaries business owners should have. With that it links with my work and what my services are whilst networking.

We have court again next week, I feel petrified. I am also worried I won’t have even sorted legal aid in that time due to the fact I am giving up my mortgage. I shall not worry myself, it isn’t something I can change. However what I can remind myself is that I am now in control. I now have boundaries in place. I’ve evidenced that within new relationships (I use the word relationship loosely) but I know what it is to be respected now and what not to put up with. Lack of consideration for my feelings, ignoring blatant questions I have asked, anything verbally abusive, making me feel anyway other than content … then no! He’s got to go!

Posted in Abuse, relationships, DomesticAbuse, Heartbreak, Journey, life, Mistakes, sex, single mum, singlemum, Singlemum, Strength

A Queen will always turn pain into power

I can’t even explain how good it feels to not have that constant awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was wearing me down, wearing me down so bad.

Imagine hearing the bull shit I love you’s whilst still being disrespected and still hoping for the man to step up and be a father. I think about where he might be and I don’t care. Trap yard no doubt or with the ‘partner’ he denied and also disrespected. Having no contact completely was literally the only way. The longer it goes on the clearer I see. He wasn’t letting me go for shit, despite what any bullshit he tells anyone else he was not!! Constantly promising me a dream and should I deny that dream abused me some more.

Reading my old blogs from pregnancy, even BEFORE I found out about ANY infidelity I wrote about how I couldn’t forgive him. This post back in September 2016 9 days to gooooo ! When I didn’t even realise I was being abused. All that nice him is an abusers trait called ‘love bombing’ or ‘hoovering’ . I will do a chapter on that in my book. July 2016 1st July ! Another post where I’m clearly so miserable and so unhappy. All because of him. I don’t want to be bitter but I dislike him to my core. Love pfft, I love the dream he faked, the promises he never kept. I pity his pathetic existence on this earth, so young yet so evil.

It all really shows how unhappy I was. I wasn’t even fully honest, so scared of what people would say! If I ever see him again it will be too soon. I’m so fucking proud of myself. Look at me, look what I’ve achieved! I allowed some low life abusive asshole shadow my life. Treat me so poorly, made me believe I was worthless and deserved it. Wrong mate! Wrong!

My distraction agreed to see me last night after his night out since I wanted to go to my friends instead. After I had to convince him that I would wake up, I began feeling anxious he wouldn’t come. He text saying ‘can’t wait to see you’, I felt uneasy and remembered times my abuser did that and then didn’t show. He didn’t do that though, that’s because he actually respects other people. He isn’t a narcissist sociopath like my ex, he’s sweet, caring and just a shame he’s a little young 🤭

The pain that has been caused by my ex is unmeasurable. I just knew that one day I would find that inner strength from somewhere. I kinda hoped I could get to a stage where I was not affected by his cold unpleasant words and actions. Hoping I could break free naturally without the need of court intervention but like even his mother said, if I waited until he no longer wanted me. No longer wanted to control me, I could be waiting forever. I remember that talk she had with me, ‘I had the strength and I just know you have it too.’ Funny how now she has accused me of ‘making it all up’. There is something VERY wrong with people like her!

Posted in Abuse, relationships, DomesticAbuse, Heartbreak, relationship, Singlemum, Women

Starting to feel at peace

There has been times where I have dredded the weekends. Even when he was half in my life, the chaos and loneliness was mad. I definitely felt more lonely when he was in my life than now he isn’t. I speak to M on the phone every evening and I have another for company too. I don’t always NEED someone with me but communication with the outside world is always nice, rather than an asshole promising you his time, then bailing out last minute or even worse ignoring you when it suits him. Even when he did stick to his word it never happened without drama, without his phone going off as he was needed to go deal drugs or he’d be rude and nasty to me. Abusers like him will treat you bad then expect no backlash from that, expect it to just be taken and then use the emotions he’s created against you. If I felt let down, lonely or sad there was never any responsibility taken by him (only fake when it suited him) there was just more fake promises, more emotional torture and a feeling of ‘never fucking getting out!’ I used to tell him he was pushing me to meet someone else, I of course was a slag and a dirty whore. It’s ok when he uses the reverse as an excuse for his infidelity ‘she was nice to me’ ‘you pushed me to it.’ Double standards ALWAYS! On the other hand he would try and promise that it was all coming to an end and when he was done with the streets he would come back. Never let me go. Treat me like the queen I deserved. Always unrealistic dreams, I was living a nightmare.

More recently it’s became apparent he has stolen my daughters phone. What a disgusting human. There is literally no other explanation. She did not take it out the house and the last time we saw it was 29th September 2017! His birthday , he was here the night before and before I left the house he caused a scene because his mobile had been misplaced. Of course it was everyone else’s fault, and tried hard to not let me leave until it was found. Gosh he was so fucking vile in every way, shape and form. A nice evening spoilt because he misplaced his phone! In fact I say nice evening but I actually remember him being so late. I kept telling him to not bother coming but he begged me, put the ‘I want to wake up with you all on my birthday’ card on me. Despite being late he was very affectionate and loving that evening (weird since I had just got back from Ibiza.) Anyway since then we’ve searched everywhere in this flat. It’s not here. I did ask him when we were communicating between getting the order and the order being served and of course he said ‘baby I promise you.’ But I don’t believe him, he’s just a scumbag thief as well as a violent abusive drug dealer. So I will replace my daughters phone. The 3rd one I’ve replaced the 5th one he’s interfered with in the space of 18 months! 3 smashed up, 1 ‘accidentally lost’ (despite me telling him to not let it leave my flat) and now this 1 suspected theft! Yuck! What an awful human! Never again!

The more I speak to M the more I realise how abusive he really was. M opened up to me about how I had hurt him when I went to Ibiza and did what I did with another man. There was no name calling, no hitting, no nothing in fact he just went quiet on me. My abuser over used my actions whilst he was in prison, over used to the max and felt that worthy of the most venomous words and actions. Why did I believe I deserved it all? He had a choice! I told him whilst he was still behind bars what I had done, he still came out 3 months later telling me it was ok and he wanted me. Telling me he even understood! He should have left, not abused me for 22 months!

I also remember how me and M would have disagreements. Differences in opinions are ok, it NEVER ever EVER ended by him bad mouthing me or undermining me or making me feel like I was going crazy. I am realising more and more how I actually got so so used to being called a Dickhead (that was his favourite one). Used to being tied up in knots and verbally abused repeatedly until I felt worthless and unloved. Used to being called bruv, slag or how I made him sick. None of this is normal. Too much I took, and I tell you something I won’t EVER be disrespected like that by a man ever again.

I’ve had a real positive weak. Looks like from next year myself and 3 other very inspirational women will be coming together to form a group to put a stop to abuse. We also what to provide services for women (and men) who don’t think they can leave. Who need support, as currently what is on offer is inadequate. If it wasn’t for my work and the people I was meeting I’d still be in it now. That’s a given!

I had a moment yesterday thinking about his ‘partners’ letter. You know the partner he calls a mistake to me. The partner he has denied since I found out. The partner who is completely deluded and thinks I’m just a bitter ex. The partner who thinks everything I’ve put in my blog is a lie. I came to realise that so fucking what. She’s irrelevant, one person who has known him for a few months whilst being his ‘side chick’ has no fucking idea. If she wants to lay down next to a man who deals drugs, has no job, carries a knife, hits women, cheats on her (cos he has already) and take him into her home for no financial gain then go for it love. The day I found her number there was another girl he was texting too ‘want to go for a drink!’ LOL so laughable!

I have new interest now, something I thought I would never ever do! I thought I would ALWAYS want him, ALWAYS crave that nice side of him. I thought I could never ever love someone the way I did him. So desperate for him to just act fucking right. I’m healing, I will never allow him to touch me ever again for as long as I live. If a man doesn’t respect me, he isn’t having my body SIMPLE AS THAT!

Posted in DomesticAbuse

Why does he cheat?

It is impossible to sum up everything in just one blog post. However it can all be found in my blog but what I’m finding particularly difficult and I tend to relive in my mind daily, is the abuse I experienced regarding my abusers infidelity. This isn’t a man who would cheat on odd occasions or cheat and leave because he felt like he fell in love with someone else. This is a man who would lie deceit and have other relationships making out to whoever the poor girl was that they were in fact the chosen one. He lied and cheated to them too. There is something highly destructive vile and cruel about these types of men. They don’t fall in love, they see women as objects. Not caring about who will get hurt in the process, so desperate disgusting and needy.

I used to feel so embarrassed and ashamed by this. What was wrong with me? Why wasn’t I enough? Or good enough? I had blamed myself for gaining weight when I was pregnant. Not getting rid of the weight quick enough, accepted that I was nasty to him at times so I pushed him away. I listened to his excuses about how my infidelity when he was in prison (the first time) messed with his head and much much more. Accepting and justifying his infidelity

Finally a year later after finding out about the first ‘affair’ I was ready to get completely rid. As mentioned I was ready months ago but this time it gave me the strength to make everything final. I needed a court order, no contact is the ONLY way. He’s a vile cruel narcissist and I’ll be damned if he ever disrespects me again.

Without re writing history the cycles were always the same. I suspected, I confronted, he would lie scream and beg till he was blue in the face that I was wrong. Turned it all back round on me, told me I was weird and paranoid. In fact used it as an excuse to go through my phone, all my social media and question me over very innocent situations. So so convincingly told me I was everything to him, his world. How he’s nearly lost me before and over his dead body would he ever risk it again. He swore on his mother’s life, on his baby’s life and in that given moment I doubted myself. He looked me straight in the eye, held me, wouldn’t let me go. Even though my gut and head knew, it was like I was given no choice but to believe him. You can’t doubt a man like this or question him too much, it was too exhausting and it ended in a fight where I would be left bruised, confused and no better off since an argument would only end by me having to tell him I loved him and we were still together. Completely impossible.

The only way to EVER get him to admit was to play detective. Without talking to the girl in question he would just carry on the cycle. Carry on lying, cheating, coming and going as he pleases. Expecting love, affection and sex when he returned and I was anxious, lonely, distraught and TRAPPED!

The first time was the most hurtful, now I look back it was completely so obvious but he controlled me so much my head wasn’t in gear. Acceptance … Also let’s not forget I was pregnant and emotions were everywhere anyway. He disappeared, often days at a time, heavily pregnant and so lonely and ashamed. I couldn’t admit to anyone how much of my pregnancy I did on my own. What an idiot I was for believing in him. Standing by a man in prison. Thinking he would change. There was a whole heap of abuse surrounding that too- that too was of course all in my head until he needed to use it as an excuse. He blamed his drug dealing life (which I never supported until I was desperate for my family) as to why he had to be away at times. I was not allowed to dispute, question or argue it. He ALWAYS had the upper hand and I was ALWAYS the one left crying, broken, devastated and alone.

One time he left me all night with our 4 day old baby after a c-section unable to get out of bed. I called him around 50 times, I was traumatised, devastated and felt completely worthless. It happened a few more times after that, each time begging and promising it wouldn’t happen again! LYING IS ABUSE. He had no intention to never do it again he just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going anywhere! When I found out he had in fact been cheating I had never ever felt pain like it. The girl was young, she had been fed lies about how we wasn’t together. He had met all her family and she told me he was pretty much living at hers with her grandparents. My life just wasn’t my life, how did I let this happen I thought! My beautiful baby being born into such negative bullshit, a time of my life that should have been so happy was in fact the lowest I have ever ever been. I felt sick at the thought that after my labour , after he showered my just given birth naked body, acting like the proudest dad in the world he went to another girl! Just vile. Obviously after I found out, he lied more, told me she was lying about how involved they were, told me he was glad I found out because he didn’t know how to stop it. Fucking hell the lies he told were incredible. I believed he loved me and he just made a mistake. A man like this are , he would lie about things where the truth isn’t even a problem. So addicted to living a lie, convincing and I am sure he must just must believe his own lies. He didn’t stop abusing there, he then continued to go between us both. I kicked him out so he used her home, laughing with me about how she was just his landlord. Coming back to me promising me he would leave her soon and that he just needed to sort his head out. We would have sex and I would allow him to go back to her. So vulnerable desperate and ashamed. It needs to be goodbye …Narcissists always promise and never deliver. He did that in many many areas of his life. I became used to being cheated on , used to be disrespected, he went back to her one night after he did come back and I just accepted it. He in front of us both this time made out she was lying. I knew she wasn’t, it was him, I had been on the receiving end of that before and I knew how much of a cold lying heartless cheating bastard he was but at least this time it was her being made to look out to be a liar and not me. I wanted her to feel how I felt the times she would ring me saying ‘can I have my man back now’, and I just knew she swallowed all his lies about me being just a bitter baby mum , that we hadn’t had sex for months and oh that I was just intimidated by her. Give me strength!

The second time was Christmas/new year 2016/2017. For this reason I’m suffering bad in the lead up to Christmas. Just as I was feeling around my baby’s birthday in September, reliving all the trauma from the year before. I have never ever been treated the way he treated me last Christmas and I sure as hell will never ever ever be treated like that again. This wasn’t JUST about his cheating but many things but it always ended the same. I found a girls number, she wouldn’t talk to me until my friend spoke to her and yes he had been cheating again. Like what the fuck is wrong with him!! Imagine he called me a snake for finding out, I was jealous, embarrassing and I was meant to be a big woman but just looking dumb in front of young girls. Something very psychotic about someone who can be found out for cheating and then blame you for finding out! Very psychotic indeed. Before finding out I experienced sleepless nights, I’d wake up and he would have disappeared. He would even text me saying ‘on my way home baby all I want is you’ and not fucking come home. Who actually does that!? His response would be ‘something came up.’ I was so trapped, why wouldn’t he just leave me alone. I didn’t beg him this time, ‘just go’ I screamed! Be yourself as an unemployed drug dealing cheat who gets his self worth from sleeping with multiple women! ‘Just GO!’

Before I found out about this 2nd one I confronted him, I have never seen someone so fucking desperate. He was adamant that I was just paranoid because of last time, he had no reason this time and before was just revenge ! Genuinely believing it was his right to cheat since I had too. I had everything turned back round on me, holding me down telling me I was the cheat, telling me I had men in my phone because I was an attention seeking whore. I was going insane! I cut my arm in front of his eyes so desperate for him to stop. I needed to just get him to shut up! It finally ended when he calmed me down, again I had no choice but to believe there was no one else. He left and didn’t come home. The cycle continued. Finding out number 2

This time I was adamant I was not going to get caught up in another love triangle. Of course he carried on the same, begging me, yet telling her I was lying. Despite us both having a conversation , her seeming actually like she was just as sickened by him too and he had even lied about his name, she fell for his lies too. Why wouldn’t she? I did. He’s a professional liar! It was from this time the police became involved, he was initiating sex whilst I had a man fitting my boiler and my 2 children awake (Another thing abusers do – demand sex at inappropriate times) and I was very stern on my no. You can’t say no to an abuser and it escalated so bad, he hid my phone and the shit coming out his mouth was breaking me some more. I needed him out and I messaged my sister on fb. ‘Call the police’. I NEVER thought I could ever call the police on him, EVER! I was desperate !!

We then separated for a while, we were still being intimate though I was just not allowing him to live with me. He manipulated it all. Eventually after lies and bullshit I was willing to give us another shot, he swore on his daughters life that there had been no one else. I obviously found out different. Another poor woman who he actually met when I was pregnant, confronting him with this one initiated the worst violence from him. Same cycle , denying denying denying! Abused for not believing, hit for accusing, turned back round on me for talking to men and having flowers bought for me during our separation. Then when it was confirmed I had my phone smashed, hit some more, and I was literally a prisoner in my own home! This one he called in front of me, told her how he loved me, he was sorry but she didn’t mean anything to him. This didn’t make me feel good I felt sorry for her, he literally doesn’t care about anyone but himself. The events from this meant I went to the police again, I was bruised all over my body which he made a point of kissing each bruise before he left. Told me that it wasn’t him and he was sorry. I had once again got no phone because he completely smashed it and I was so bruised my body felt tired and sore. He could still go on his day though, not caring about how I was feeling. He did 28 days in jail.

When in jail he got to me again. The words he wrote in the letters, manipulation and I just wanted to go on the family holiday that had been booked for a year. It was all my focus was. One holiday for my baby to experience. Upon his release I couldn’t believe the change in him, he was doing a course to actually get some work and he was so calm, loving and the man I always thought he was. Four weeks that lasted and if I’m completely honest that devil in him appeared even on our holiday in May 2017. A Greek security guard from the airport even came up to me and said ‘I’m here if you need me.’ My abuser wouldn’t even give me a euro for some water and made me stand in the que with all the suitcases whilst incredibly hungover and faint. A stranger had to help me move my suitcases whilst he just sat down occasionally glaring at me like he hated me. What had I done wrong? I sobbed.

June 2017 and I started a new job. From this point I KNEW I wanted out. I wasn’t hoping or expecting change. He was bringing me down daily and all I can thank is that I finally saw that. I was spoken to like a child, told what I could wear, blamed for dirty marks found on his clothes and hit when things were not going his way. He used our daughter to control me. He was her primary carer and if things didn’t go his way he would threaten me and say how he couldn’t look after her. I was NOT going to allow him as a reason I couldn’t go to work and so quickly enrolled her in nursery. I was fortunate enough to start seeing that I deserved more just by the Work I was doing, the people I was surrounded by and the friendships I was building. He said that he knew when I got a job I wouldn’t want him anymore, he was losing control. He didn’t like that! That only meant he got more vile, more controlling, and it increasingly became harder to get out of. The charm to harm stuff was chronic. Yes vile but also insanely over the top nice too, for that I convinced myself I wanted him in our baby’s life, that I had to face facts he would always be in my life. I wanted to at least co-parent and told myself that eventually maybe I just wouldn’t care anymore and he’d no longer get to me. I even considered just meeting another man and being the one to ‘cheat’ , but I couldn’t get another man involved in this, he made it very clear what would happen should that be the case. If I had done that that would have been used against me for the rest of my life.

More recently I became suspicious again, it wasn’t as often though. I think it was because I cared a lot lot less. I even begged him to go find someone else, I hoped he had. I did not want him, we had no future together and I couldn’t see one at all. When we was together he was either abusive and rude or overly loving and desperate. Obviously he wouldn’t admit to another woman and he actually spent the majority of the time going over and over how ashamed he felt, how badly he’s treated me, how he was going to spend the rest of his life proving it to me and that he loved me so much. Again the convincing lying, the manipulation, the desperate words of a man scared of losing the ‘love of his life.’ I’m a lot wiser to all this now but I still needed to catch him in the act to get him to admit it. He would kiss my forehead whilst I was falling asleep and whisper how much he loved me yet be sleeping with another woman. He is not sane! I think men like him MUST believe their own shit. Maybe he felt an element of guilt when around me so over compensated. I doubt it though. His shit got more convincing but I got a lot wiser and stronger and that’s all that is to it. His pleasantries no longer made me feel good, mostly just angry and sick. Actions speak louder than words was all I thought of!

It still hurt though. Not for the other girl, I know she means shit to him but the countless times he got so angry with me for doubting. The abuse he gave me for going to Ibiza just 2 weeks prior and can you imagine having a conversation with a man you love on the telephone whilst he has another girl by his side and hear him say ‘stop being weird we haven’t been together for months, this is my new girl now’. So so damaging all to the mother of his child knowing the state he got me in by doing this. I had to deal with that with three different women. Cruel isn’t even the word.

Even this time, as usual at every opportunity he’s had since. he’s begged cried and told me he loved me. He has been so disrespectful about her (of course) and so convinced I would have him back one day. Not this time mate, no way! I have a court order on him, and that is the way I hope it will stay. I am moving so he doesn’t know where I am, and I will be dammed if I listen to any more lies. He has already breached his order by talking to me and in the short time he was breaching he somehow still managed to get inside my head. I believed that he misses me and loves me, even though I know he doesn’t he just hates that his control over me has gone. When I’m in his presence I feel hypnotised it’s fucking MENTAL.

For all these reasons and many many more I will keep it being ‘no contact.’ He won’t be seeing his daughter until he does everything social services asks of him. I gave him plenty of opportunity to be a Dad, co-parent and be involved and he proved time and time again he would let her down just as much as he was me. I do feel worried still that given the opportunity he would get inside my head again. That’s the control he has on me, and that’s what I am working on and making sure I am never ever that girl again.

I feel so grateful that domestic abuse is spoken more of these days, the law got stricter in 2015 and I can only hope more and more continues to be done. I speak to women who have suffered abuse for years. I am proud that I got out when I did. Nearly 2 years was long enough and it would have only got worse. My inbox is ALWAYS open for anyone struggling, unsure on what they are experiencing or needing some extra support. My best support has come from those who understand and get it and I am adamant that I will use my experience to help others.

I have been strong, others can too!

Posted in DomesticAbuse, Girltalk, Heart, Heartbreak, Mistakes, prisonwives, relationship, sex, single mum, singlemum, Singlemum

The Truth will Conquer

I’ve had a good day today. Well better than still can be expected. It really is always a rollercoaster of emotions. Spoke to M last night for ages. It’s so nice to actually chat with someone and just get on. He makes jokes about me being his girl and we talk about life before. I guess I find him comforting as he’s followed the process since I’ve know him since 2015. He is also highly complimentary and there’s something more satisfying getting that from someone who you’ve actually known. Like you can chat with guys online but generally they will be complimentary since they are trying to smooth talk and charm. From M it seems more real.

It’s when I’m driving in my car alone I get most of my flash backs (apart from yesterday morning in the shower). I was driving back from MK today and I just thought about her letter again. To think I even screen shotted her proof that he text saying how much he loved me just the day before. So blind, so foolish. What bothers me is the fact he makes out to anyone who listens that he can’t see his daughter because I’m basically jealous and bitter! That’s what fucking bothers me because that is so so far from the truth. I know the truth will conquer but until that time I can’t help but have how the conversation would go in my head. I feel so sorry for her writing this letter when he was begging me on Monday, begging me prior to that and slagging her off to me. Continuing to deny her and telling me he fucked her off. How he ruined everything for a stupid mistake with an ugly old coke taker. It’s crazy how he thinks that’s the only reason but hey. Apparently he isn’t sleeping (he did look a mess) and every time he sees a buggy and a family it kills him. Heard this before, shame he kept forgetting that feeling ey! He had enough chances at it.

Anyway when I got home I pulled up my statement that was written for the non molestation order (you know the one I’m supposedly manipulating the services with). It’s brutal. It dates right back to march 2016 where he punched me in the stomach and I had a bleed when pregnant. I mention the smashing up on my phones x3. The bruises, the fat lips and the fact he’s bit my face before. I talk about the bad innocent in January 2017 and then also the most recent with the hard punch in my rib. Then it explains how I suspected another woman but he was denying it and wouldn’t leave me alone. It’s all in there. Furthermore every fucking thing is backed up with evidence. June 2016 when I went into the hospital crying and high blood pressure. My maternity notes had safeguarding warnings, when I was in labour I was asked repeatedly if I was ok him being there. I guess my midwife knew more than she let on! The evidence of all the pictures that were taken by the police. I have holes in my walls! Then the most recent one was witnessed by my 9 year old daughter who told a teacher at the school ! My social worker has seen bruises and all my tears. Other health professionals have been trying to warn me and one in particular I’ve kept in contact with and she has her own batch of evidence. Why the hell am I still finding myself trying to justify myself. HE FUCKING ABUSED ME! I am manipulating NO ONE! He hadn’t seen my statement until Monday, I bet he didn’t show her it. He has been instructed to issue a statement by 8th December, the thought of his response is making me so anxious! The lies are real killers.

I was with my friend today who is also on her own and her baby doesn’t see her dad. We both agreed that yeh our girls may want to find their dads in the future but they’ll soon learn that their mummy’s did the right thing. I love my baby with all my heart and my eldest of course. They are simply my world and I spent so long chasing something that was never going to happen thinking that was for the best. It wasn’t , he isn’t and he doesn’t deserve his daughter or me and my eldest either.

I was looking through photos tonight I want to get some printed for My baby to look back on and see that daddy was in her life at one point. I screenshotted a meme that made me sad and highlighted how much shit I’ve put up with.

28th September 2016 that was on my camera roll. How fitting , and I felt like that from March 2016 – June 2017. Then I just knew I needed to somehow get away. June 2017 on the hen do he tried to sabotage then got angry because I wore a dress I shouldn’t of I did actually get drunk and cry and just said ‘I deserve better.’ I was no longer wanting or hoping for change. He had done too much!

This whole time I’ve had too much empathy, felt bad when he ‘felt bad.’ Didn’t like the thought of him hurting and feeling sorry for himself. Not anymore! He never cared for me, not really. He only loved me when he was in the mood to be nice. He didn’t care when I was sitting up all night waiting for him, threatening suicide or more recently telling him I was lonely and I wanted someone new. How dare I want a new relationship though, of course that made me a slag or I heard more empty promises how things were soon changing.

Typical narcissist, promising amazing stuff it doesn’t happen and all they care about is them!!

Posted in DomesticAbuse

Aftermath of trauma..

I am struggling. It’s all a process and ok I don’t feel as angry (apart from with the stupid interfering skank who thinks she knows the man I’ve known 4 years) but I am suffering with my own thoughts.

I spoke with M again last night. It’s nice to talk to him but even that bought back memories of my abuser. I remember him calling me July 2016 and I admitted I was pregnant. That day my abuser was terrible I had to run out of my own home with my daughter. He was on a mad one and just being vile. Telling me the baby probably wasn’t his, being cold and distant. Told me he doesn’t fancy me anymore and going mad about an incident that happened with his vile cousin. He had not came home all night after promising he wouldn’t ever do it again just 6 hours prior and I didn’t want to let him in. Not sure why I did. When I try and explain my story I actually can’t even describe how he abuses me the only way I can explain it is … at the time I could EASILY stick a gun in my head to end it all. Anything to not feel or hear what was going on at that given time.

Another time he rang me it was Father’s Day 2017 and it was the day after I have a voice recording of him stopping me from wearing a certain item of clothing. (Which btw someone from a woman’s aid type institute couldn’t believe how abusive he was) . His behaviour was again so so unreasonable, all week I had been explaining that I needed some money towards bills. He was promising me £60. I explained that without it I simply couldn’t pay for us to go out to eat for Father’s Day. I had to walk out, I walked out and rang his mum. His mum was very supportive and agreed he was being outrageous and needed to grow up. I wrote in my notes on my iPhone of what he was saying… ‘Joke mans gonna have to pay for my own Father’s Day .. like what did you pay for my birthday and what did you get for your birthday .. exactly .’ My response was ‘What this dickhead fails to see is!!! If he fucking contributed to my bills I could pay for stuff but money doesn’t grow on f’ing trees! Also back in September he was an awful awful person .. lying cheating scumbag and cheating on me so why would I buy him ANYTHING!!

So ungrateful, so unappreciative and where was he on Mother’s Day!! Oh yeh that’s right JAIL!! ‘ When he is like this I literally CANNOT DO ANYTHING right! Instead of saying ‘babe I’m going to take our baby to my nans’ he talks indirectly and I’m tiptoeing around him hoping he doesn’t fly off the handle and asking something wrong. Muttering constantly how things are a joke. Omg I can still feel the feelings, I watch myself being so pathetic and scared. He then controls everything, the time we leave, the fact I have to take him, he dictates when I pick him up and he is a fucking selfish asshole animal!! He thinks he’ll one day get me back!! OVER MY DEAD FUCKING BODY!! I am angry that he still thinks this, angry that the cunt writing letters doesn’t even realise how he was STILL adamant he loves me!! They need to both fuck off out my head!!

Don’t get me started on what he did on his birthday in 2016. Makes me sick and anxious and my own thoughts send me insane thinking of that day too! I can watch my own life like a film. I’m not coping! I have a doctors appointment on Monday, I need help! I drove to a meeting this morning and at 2 points in one of the roads I saw a film of me and re-lived the feelings ! What the fuck is this , I actually could avoid certain roads ! Too many raw awful disgusting memories. Christmas last year was AWFUL! I wasn’t as strong as I am now and if I’m honest the most traumatic events are older ones and I just need January here! Actually February that’s when I move, right now I cannot see me EVER being able to be amicable with him. I tried so so hard to but as explained countless times it wasn’t possible.

I fucking HATE him!! HATE him so so much!!!!!!

Posted in DomesticAbuse

I am better than this

I can’t shake it from my head I want to badly to ring this fool and tell her to get her pointy nose out of my business! 2 months you’ve known him and he was sleeping with me the whole time yet you call him your ‘partner’. You messed up individual!

I am so so angry that she even had the audacity to think that her shitty words on a piece of paper would even stand anywhere against all the mountains of evidence I have. He told me she loves the cocaine maybe that’s what it was for. Extra drugs from him. He told me she was constantly asking him if he’s seen me, whether he still loves me, questions after questions. I intimidate her clearly!! She told him about her ex and how she has trust issues so kept asking him to confirm their relationship. Obviously he told me he got annoyed by her and fucked her off but that ain’t in his nature. He won’t have. He told me he admitted he still loves me to her, that’s no doubtably bullshit too and clearly this ‘letter’ is her desperate needy pathetic attempt at trying to make her look like his guardian angel. Dumb bitch all you’ve done is make it worse because I will NOT be made out to be a liar and I will NOT allow my daughter around someone like him nor someone like you! Coke loving abuser sympathiser! This is highlighted how toxic, how manipulative and how much of an abuser he really is. Already got his next supply he’s love bombing, already disrespecting, since EVERY opportunity he has it has been about me. He’s fed her a pack of lies and I will be dammed if I even allow contact in a contact centre. He isn’t safe, he isn’t sane and he will ruin my baby girl too just like he ruins everyone else !

She mentioned in her letter how he’s never intimidated her. I’m glad you think your small experience of him overpowers my 4 years of knowing him. Abusers only turn abusive when they don’t get their own way, maybe you’ve just been a wet lettuce and allowed all his disrespect. Well that’s evident since he was sleeping with both of us at the same and you CLEARLY know about that. Also he obviously doesn’t give two toots about you, he has no need to be jealous, controlling or intimidating. It’s been 2 months, you’re just a bed to sleep in , a body to fuck you have NO right to tell me that my ex partner is not abusive.

But I will not rise to her. The reactive person in me wants to react and go for her. Tell her to mind her own business and tell her how desperate he was for me yesterday. But no the smart me will refrain, she will learn, I will just give the evidence to the police and carry on. I don’t want that disgusting human and I hope you get pregnant and get beaten up again!! Then we’ll see how strongly you feel that ‘he is not this man I make him out to be.’

Nearly day 1 again of no contact and I even sent my daughter with his number on the ripped up piece of paper to school so she could give it to the family support worker I’ve been working with. I didn’t want it in my presence ! It’s evidence to the police and his ‘I don’t care about being arrested’ can be put into practice now. Hopefully the police are coming to take my statement tonight .

Posted in DomesticAbuse

This is just a rant ..

At times I can take a step back and analyse the situation. There is no doubt in my mind that my abuser is a extreme narcissist. It is so deep rooted that I don’t even have to feel concerns that to everyone else he is respectful and honest because he isn’t. He has no consideration for anyone else, whether that be a taxi driver, a friend, a family member, his child or his lover. In his world, it’s him who comes first!

Other times all I need to do is one big rant!! This morning was the child protection conference I am only thankful in every sense of the word that I have professionals who believe me. Imagine fighting this where no one believes you, it would drive me to complete destruction. Suicide even! Luckily he isn’t credible, always being arrested, letting people down and even today when he was told to stay in a room he ignored that request and came out. Following simple instructions isn’t ok for him, unless he’s the one in control then he can’t function right. Just him walking out that room and me having to walk past him was enough for me to STILL feel controlled!!

My rant goes like this … it came to light today that he has raised concerns over the fact he believes I neglect my baby! Him and his dysfunctional poor excuse of a woman Mother. As far as I am concerned that is it they won’t ever have any contact. His mother KNOWS what he’s like and the very fact he has now gone against me means she has no place in my baby’s life. She’s disgusting and she should take one hard look at herself, you raised this man. You help mould him, and despite you being well aware of everything he does you have defended him. Scumbag!! Why would I want my daughter ANYWHERE near you, I will protect my girls till the day I die and make sure they are never ever disrespected by a single vile human being in a relationship ever in their life!

It’s laughable that they actually think that would get them anywhere. LAUGHABLE!! I wonder if he will turn up at court on Monday and appeal my non molestation order. I wonder indeed!!!

Posted in DomesticAbuse

Empower me..

Only a quick one tonight, I had many thoughts going through my head today so I wanted to record them somewhere. Mostly some pointers for future blogs as right now I don’t really have the time to go into them in depth.

I wanted to talk about the ‘other’ side of my abuser. My previous blog (unless you’ve been involved in a similar relationship) really screams ‘why!!’ I think to many! Why stay !? What was I doing? I need to explain all the charm side to this harm to make that understandable too because the truth is… even professionals do not understand. I have spoke to a police woman who really really got it, unfortunately she had experienced it too but she got it. It’s namely those professionals in social services and from my child’s school and that is worrying, that is something that NEEDS changing and NEEDS recognising! My social worker told me today that he’s now saying that I’m lying and trying to ruin his life, not only is that incredibly laughable but it is also incredibly stupid on his part. Better for me but stupid for him. He’s given me more ammunition to clear my fucking name and prove that what he’s done has been nothing but a constant cycle of manipulative lengthy disgusting abuse. So for that I thank him, he’s helped break his control HIMSELF! Let’s not forget that my last conversation he owned up to everything, pleaded sorry and I even felt ‘guilty’ about his arrest. Truth is you cannot believe a word he ever fucking says , NOTHING he EVER says is the truth and that is so destructive. He’s only acting this way now because he can’t actually handle the fact I now FINALLY have a boundary, he cannot cope with how alien this feels to him and how he has well and truly lost me. He’s clutching on to anything he can to try and protect himself as that’s all that matters in his mind. Him!

Another point worth mentioning is .. my social worker said ‘you’re doing good you’re out of it now’ , that is SO far from the truth, it’s worrying that these people actually think this is the way it works. I corrected her ‘no I am getting better but I am under no circumstances ‘out of it’. The fact he’s calling me a liar doesn’t phase me, I expected it. If he saw me tomorrow he would do EVERYTHING he could to hoover (another term professionals should educate themselves on) me back up, and would do that without a second thought. It’s inevitable. Maybe not tomorrow, but 6 months , 2 years whenever I need to prepare for that time… because he will.

She then said ‘ok but I will help you’ again I had to correct her ‘no you will not!’ You have done a pretty shoddy job of doing anything so far and that isn’t a reflection on her but a reflection on the resources available. The sunflower centre is an organisation that helps women who have suffered domestic abuse. I ask the same questions to the police, social services and even to them … what can you do to help me? The truth is .. yes they can arrange an injunction (done that) help me into a refuge (don’t need that) help put safety facilities in place (my flat is secure) but they do absolutely fuck all with the stuff that really keeps me hooked. Securing my flat is only as good as I let it, even an injunction is the same unless my mind is where it needs to be, there is nothing any one of these professionals can do. This got me thinking, my book ‘I mean it this time’ I can and I will help empower women, help them mentally break that cycle. I will use my experience to help make a difference and get rid of that stigma that still is attached to women who are victims of domestic abuse. I can run workshops I can find tools that will really work because currently there isn’t anything like it available. My local council have something called the freedom programme , there’s MUCH better literature out there and there is a gap in the market. I will win, and I will show anyone who has looked down their noses at me what domestic abuse really means and how advice of ‘don’t let him in’ really just doesn’t cut it. If my experience helps at least one woman in the future they I will feel like I have achieved.

I end on a positive. I have a bloody brilliant job which I love, everyone I meet speaks highly of me and everyday I am healing. Dips are normal but I am healing! I made the decision that I would attend the child protection conference in the morning. I am not going to ‘like’ it, the majority of people in the room are so uneducated on this subject it’s scary but you know what. Who cares! I know what I’ve been through, I know what is real and what isn’t , life isn’t just about ticking boxes and following protocols. I could have hidden ALL this from every single one of them but I spoke up! I have proof of that. Instead of judging me they should be praising me. I am me, I will never ever be made to feel less adequate than anyone else in my life so bring it on!